NPTressTreats Affiliate Eda aka CurlyE78

Introducing Eda…

Introduce yourself/Tell me a little.

Hi my name is Eda aka CurlyE78 or Luv4_FoodAndCurls 

How do you currently wear your hair? 

Always take advantage of my curls to be  loose but somehow they manage to end up in a pineapple or bun :) 

When did you start using a bonnet? Do you use any other satin products?

I started 3 years ago and never looked back I also wear satin scarves & scrunchies 

How did you find out about NPTressTreats?

I entered a giveaway from a fellow curly girl. 

What size bonnet do you wear? Over the ear? Behind the ear?

Love behind the ear  

Do you pineapple?

Oh yes   

Where's the craziest place you've worn a bonnet?

Not the craziest place but does Bodega count? 

How do you determine what you will use (that night) for hair protection? Bonnet? Scarf?

Bonnet at night and scarf during the day 

How often and how do you wash your satin treats?

Once a week i'm always on the run so i send them out to get cleaned in its own NPTresstreats bag 

What's your favorite print? Any print you would like to see?

I loooooooove Pineapple. My special one is custom made. It has my son's drawing on it. He says look mom i drew you as a pineapple :) 

Any hair tips you would like to add?

Always add LOVE into your hair routine :)