Do you satin? Are you team scarf, pillowcase, bonnet, or all the above? What ever your preference, as long as you’re using a nightly hair regime you are covered.

Say it with me,

“no more hair breakage and dry hair for me.” “I will no longer wake up with facial creases.”

You deserve to have healthy hair and beautiful skin. Simple things like protecting your hair with a satin bonnet or scarf while sleeping and sleeping on a satin pillowcase or covering your pillow with a satin scarf can do wonders for your hair and skin.

Shedding is normal, breakage however is no bueno. One way to help your hair and skin maintain their natural moisture, in addition to a healthy diet and using the right hair products for you, is by adding satin goodness to your regime. Using a satin bonnet and/or satin scarf plus a satin pillowcase are keyyyy 🔑!!! Silk is awesome too. It’s all preference. I personally love satin because I find it easier to wash than silk. I can just toss in the wash (most silk products need to be dry cleaned). POV: You should be washing your satin treats at least once a week, especially with daily usage. 

Incorporating a satin bonnet and/or scarf plus a satin pillowcase is necessary to maintain healthy and moisturized tresses. Split ends are formed as a result of dry, brittle hair. Split ends and dry hair, brittle tend to come from many factors, including a lack of a proper daily hair care routine.

satin does not absorb nutrient-rich oils (applied and naturally produced) from your hair like cotton. This is why sleeping on satin is one of the best solutions to prevent you from waking up with dry and tangled hair. Knot today!! Satin helps your hair stay hydrated, therefore preventing damage due to dryness. Satin protects your natural hair (as well as hair extensions and other protective styles) and preserves your hairstyles while you are asleep. Dry hair is an enemy of healthy hair and length retention so remember to “satin up”.

Satin does not just maintain hair moisture it is also a key part in preventing dry skin. Satin is a soft and silky material (remember, not all satin is created equal, at NPTressTreats we use a high-quality charmeuse satin) so it will not pull at your skin or hair which means it is better compared to a cotton pillowcase and can help prevent the formation of wrinkles that result from dry skin. Unlike cotton, satin pillowcases do not absorb moisture and keep cool and dry all night long. Thus, skin and hair remain hydrated. Since cotton absorbs moisture, it draws hydrating face oils away from your face while sleeping, which can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, and acne. If you have dry skin, a satin pillowcase may help and makes it easier to maintain the skin’s hydration. So, lets

Let’s commit to taking care of our hair and skin. Self-care is not a luxury; it is a necessity!!