Our lives are busy. We often hear people say things like, “there aren’t enough hours in the day”. Well in 2022, let’s take back some of our time by adding a nightly hair protection regime that will ease hairstyling and save time the next morning.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that time is precious, So we have to make our time count and spend it doing the things we love. What’s one thing you would rather be doing instead of your hair?

Now there’s nothing wrong with the occasional, I'm going to spend a few self care hours accentuating all your magnificence. But let's not spend precious hours everyday on our hair. Are you someone who doesn’t want to (or can’t) spend hours on your hair in the morning because your rushing out the door to get to life obligations, like family work, school, etc.? If so, join the team!

Saving time is key 🔑 for me, especially with life obligations. But Just because we have life obligations it doesn’t mean we should neglect ourselves. We should still feel all kinds of fabulousness when leaving the house but we don’t need to spend hours doing it.

The reason I started NPTressTreats is because I hated combing my hair and to be honest, I still do. NPTressTreats was strictly a scarf/hair wrap boutique because I wore a hair scarf (aka wrapped my hair) all the time and wanted to create cute scarves for my fellow “Not combing my hair today sisters”. But NPTressTreats has evolved into sew much more, especially the cutest bonnets around.

Sleeping with a bonnet (no matter your hair type or hairstyle) allows you to remove your bonnet, fluff, shake, flip, and lay your hair (you can do this with your body too, I call it the Bonnet Shuffle LOL). Satin bonnets eliminate the inconvenience of creating a new hairstyle and reapplying product every time you wake up. If we can sleep an extra 30 minutes (or get that morning work out in), take off our bonnet, and go sign me up!!!